photos to enlarge |
Copenhagen suburbs |
Jørn Utzon 1973-76 . "I am inspired by the clouds and have made
a space which disappears upwards". The light pours in from a
window area at the very top of the room where two vaults meet and from
overhead light in the aisles. Largely made of pale concrete. The shape of
the vaults have given it perfect acoustics. The central carpet and the
altar coverings are by Utzon's daughter Lin.
Jørn Utzon was the architect of the Sydney Opera House.
a very closed building (and well covered by birch trees planted close to
it). A long building of which only the tall nave is visible here.
about the building at arcspace.com
North-east of Sorø |
In Latin over the south door in the porch: "Ebbe
Skjalmson and his wife Ragnhild built this church, which later his son Sune
raised in stone in honour of God, St. Mary and St. Laurentius". That
was in the years 1125-75. It has been assumed that Ebbe built the church of
wood and that Sune later reconstructed it in stone. It could be, however,
that Sune meant brick ("tile-stone" or "wall-stone" in
Danish) - in other words that
Ebbe started it in granite and Sune heightened it further with the second
story using the new
brick-making technique introduced into Denmark in the 1160s.
It is one of Denmark's seven remaining medieval
round churches and the only one on Sjælland. But it isn't completely
circular; the east side joining the chancel is a little flattened. The
church has Romanesque round-arched windows, apart from the
large west window of the 17th century. The porch was added c. 1500. The
tower was altered in the 15th century but returned to its original
appearance in the 1890s.
church is not large and the space is well filled by the four enormous
granite columns which support the round-arched vaults. They stand on
granite plinths and are topped by stone capitals. The font is of the
same period and has the shape of a quatrefoil.
high narrow arch resting on imposts leads into the chancel.
narrow spiral staircase leads to the upper room which has four heavy
square pillars of brick.
North of Ringsted |
original Romanesque church was built in the 12th century, but only the
white-washed walls of the nave date from that time (see pictures
below).The lowest part of the tower was built in the 14th century of
limestone with stretches of stonework and a few bricks mixed in. The upper part is
from the late 15th century and is basically of brick but with bands of
limestone and a few large stones. Brick buttresses on the north and south
sides. The work is attributed to five people named on a band of limestone
with the date 1478 (photo on the right). The gables with blind arcades
were restored in 1866.
porch on the south side, the chancel and the sacristy on the north side
are late Gothic from around 1500.
is connected with a famous event in Danish medieval history, the
treacherous murder of Duke Knud Lavard by his cousin Magnus in 1131 in a
wood just north of the village. Both were contenders for the crown. Soon
after a chapel was raised at the scene of the murder. The foundations are
shown above with the plaque describing the event (English summary in the
right-hand column).
(separate web page) |
(separate web page) |
West of Roskilde |
of Sjælland's oldest churches, built around 1100 but much altered in
later periods. Romanesque twin towers were joined up as one tower around
1500. Of the same period is the wing on the south side with the unusual
blind gable shapes. The tiled pyramidical roof on the tower is from
1744. The chancel dates from the 15th century when it replaced the
original apsidal choir.
Kongens Lyngby, north of Copenhagen |

From the south (two photos), west and north
from mid-12th century but changed essentially into a Gothic brick church
in subsequent periods. Crowstep gables and a north-facing tower dictated
by the position of the church on a steep hillock. The three lower floors
built c.1350, the rest of the tower together with the church's western
extension, chancel and south chapel are from 1450-1500.
West of Roskilde |
South |
Northwest |
East |
Apse |
mid-12th century but only the eastern apse stands out from that period.
Considerably rebuilt after a fire in 1658. Further alterations in the 18th
century (see year on tower facade and roof). Porch 1886. In the apse a
Romanesque wall-painting of the 12th century representing Christ on his
to Holger Trolle died 1680 |
North-west of Roskilde |
1100-1150. Of the Romanesque church only the apse is visible with its
round-arched blind arcading. The rest is encapsulated within a cement
covering of the 1860s. Late Gothic porch of brick from about 1500. The
tower is of the same period but partly renewed in 1700.
nave with a series of columns down the middle.
wall-painting in the apse from the time the church was first built.
wall-painting on the choir vault from the mid-14th century.
Church and Academy
(separate web page) |