

Newbury,  Berkshire
West Mills

Click photos to enlarge.
Notes in italics from Berkshire by Nikolaus Pevsner (1966)
Yale University Press, New Haven and London.

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St Nicholas House, Early Georgian, five bays, with semi-elliptical window heads, aprons below the windows, a parapet with arched panels, and a doorway with a pediment on carved brackets. ... To its W a house with a porch on Tuscan columns and a frieze with decorated metopes. The Hunt Almshouses of 1729, rebuilt in 1817, are quite plain, but have a blank oval in the front.

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On the other side the good group of the Mill and after that No. 22, early C18, low, brick, with a big moulded brick frieze above the ground floor, and Nos. 23-29, C17 cottages, called The Old Weavers' House.

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Opposite side of the canal

Market Place and Wharf Street

Newtown Road Area

London Road, Oxford Street and nearby

St Nicolas Church

St John's Church 

Map of Newbury 

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