Wiltshire - Old Wardour Castle
14th century
Click on photos to enlarge
Notes in italics from Wiltshire by Nikolaus Pevsner
Revised by Bridget Cherry (1975)
Yale University Press, New Haven and
London |
East |
South |
South-West |
North-West |
North |
These are the orientations used in the Pevsner quotes below.
In fact, what is called East is more precisely north-east, and so on
around the structure.
to crenellate was granted to John Lord Lovel of Titchmarsh in 1393. The
castle he built is beautifully situated up a wooded bank above a lake made
in the C18 ... The plan of the castle is basically hexagonal with an
intersecting, rectangular front section. The E front of the castle itself has a recessed centre with
an archway and short projecting side wings. ... The hall is on the upper
floor above the archway ... The ranges round the hexagonal courtyard
remain only to the N and S, but stumps of walling show clearly that a W
range has existed also. (This was blown out in an explosion during a
Civil War siege of 1644) ... In
the projecting wings are two-light mullioned windows, the lights with
depressed arches - C16 no doubt, and probably Sir Matthew's, though
conservative for the 1570s. The windows are on four levels and are oddly
distributed (due to a spiral staircase in the SE projection). The same
type of window continues along the three sides to the S, also four storeys
high. There is also a minor arched doorway (N side).
tower: Spiral stair, moulded frieze. South-east spiral staircase. South-side turret and frieze. |
through the archway from the E, one passes at once through the Arundell
portal with columns intermittently blocked. A coat of arms is above the
portal, and above this the head of Christ in a niche with the inscription:
'Sub nomine tuo stet genus et domus'. Contemporary shell-headed niches to
the l. and r. ... As one enters the archway in the front one recognizes
the springers of the fan-vault, an early example, if it is of 1393. ...
Tunnel-vaulted rooms l. and r. .. Above,
the great hall has two tall windows (to the front and
to the courtyard). They originally had transoms, and perhaps two
trefoiled lights.
Most of
the windows in the courtyard have the same depressed-arched lights as
those to the outside, but in the W wall one Perp two-light window is
revealed. .. The main staircase up to the hall (from
the courtyard) is Arundell work and is entered by passing
through a portal with attached Roman Doric columns and a metope frieze.
Lions' heads in the spandrels of the arch. ... By the staircase the hall
was reached. This has a fireplace in the W wall and a fleuron frieze below
the tall windows, continuing at a higher level along the N wall. This was
the Dais end. ..
To the
S the wall is bare. On this side access must have been made to the
offices. The kitchens were beyond, in the S range. .. To the courtyard
they are marked by two very tall lancet windows with cusped arches. .. |
W of
the former W range, on the outer bailey wall, is a two-storeyed Late
Georgian Gothic summer house (1773-4). The windows have ogee heads.
(It was built in 1773-4, at the same time as the new
Wardour Castle which can just be glimpsed in the top picture, upper
right-hand corner).
E of
the E range is a grotto .. made in 1792.
structure - 3D images
History - a detailed history of the castle
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