

Dinton,  Wiltshire  -  Philipps House
Formerly Dinton House

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Notes in italics from Wiltshire by Nikolaus Pevsner Revised by Bridget Cherry (1975)
 Yale University Press, New Haven and London

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1813-16 by Sir Jeffrey Wyatville for a branch of the Wyndhams. Nine-bay front of ashlar stone, two storeys, with a four-column giant portico of unfluted Ionic columns and a pediment. No ornament, hardly any mouldings. The doorway has two very slender, elongated brackets. 

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To the E five bays, the first (and last) tripartite with a blank arch. To the W the same ...

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Dining room  -  ladies' sitting room  -  library  -  entrance hall

The interior is also very sparing in decoration. Mostly just thin friezes  ... The details (e.g. roses, cornucopias and shields in friezes) .. on the way to the Victorian style. ... (The entrance hall) has shallowly apsed  side walls.

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The only more ornate room is the staircase hall. The staircase rises in one arm and returns in two. The iron balustrade has the simplest pattern. On the upper floor in the walls of the staircase columns of brown scagliola. They form an open screen to the N and S, but are blank to the E and W. Shallow vault and big glazed lantern. Again very little stucco enrichment.

Originally known as Dinton House it was bought in 1917 by Bertram Philipps who renamed it. He eventually donated it to the National Trust.

  Philipps House Website
National Trust
  St Mary's Church, Dinton  
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