Balliol College, Oxford
Click on photos to enlarge.
Notes in italics from Oxfordshire by Jennifer Sherwood and Nikolaus Pevsner
Yale University Press, New Haven and London. |
Balliol College was founded around
1263 by John Balliol,
father of King John Balliol of Scotland. Only a few surviving medieval
parts (15th century), now mainly Victorian and Georgian. |
The college faces Broad Street
and St Giles'. From the E (in Broad St) the first item is by
Waterhouse, 1867-8, his first Oxford commission. His range, immediately
adjoining Trinity, is Gothic, of late C13
motifs, approximately symmetrical, but only at first glance. In fact the
interest of the composition is the a-central placing of the gate tower,
the difference of big gable on the r. and small tourelle on the l., the
free arrangement of the windows including the three large ones of a former
lecture room, and the steep dormers. ... Waterhouse's
Master's Lodgings which follows as a separate building, is in the same
style and has the same motifs. It dates from 1867-8. |
After that we reach Fisher
Buildings, 1767 by Henry Keene, thirteen bays to the Broad, four to St
Mary Magdalen. It is quite a handsome composition, though a little dull.
The centre has a pediment, the two end bays tripartite windows with
columns. The range was refaced by Waterhouse in 1870. ... |
Salvin's Buildings (along St
Giles' Street), 1852-3 by Salvin ... conventionally Gothic,
asymmetrical, with gables and a gate tower. |
Tour of Balliol College
views of the quads and the chapel (external site)
College Website |
Oxford at Astoft |