Abbey, Hampshire
12-13th century
Click on photos to enlarge.
Notes in italics from Hampshire and the Isle of Wight by Nikolaus Pevsner
and David Lloyd (1967)
Yale University Press, New Haven and London. |
The first foundation of a
nunnery at Romsey dates from 907. It was by Edward the Elder (son
of Alfred the Great) for his daughter Elfleda. A second
foundation became necessary in 967 ... A general rebuilding began about
1120 and continued to about 1230 ... At the Dissolution the church was
bought by the town, and that has saved it from demolition. All the
conventual buildings on the other hand were pulled down (except perhaps
for one wall of the refectory inside a house S of the church; VCH). |
The E end is flat and clearly
the result of two later alterations. Of the Norman building (i.e.
of the 1100s) the chancel aisle E window remains, with shafts
and simple two-scallop and similar capitals. The arches have a big roll,
the hood-mould a thin flat zigzag. Corbel tables with heads. Between these
two the width of the chancel was continued eastward. But of that
externally only two blank arches tell. Inside the situation is clearer. How this Norman chapel, probably the Lady Chapel, ended,
we don't know - probably straight. |
Later, i.e. about 1270-80,
this chapel was replaced by a new one. The wall shafts in the corners and
the middle remain, but this second chapel has also gone. Its E windows
were apparently set back when the chapel was demolished. They are of three
lights and three circles over, two quatrefoiled, the top one sexfoiled. At
the same time the chancel itself received two very similar but much larger
windows, also of three lights, but with two sexfoiled circles and one
large quatrefoiled circle. Up there also large blocked Norman arches
appear. |
Round the corner, the S
chancel aisle has an E bay with two narrow blank arches and then the first
window, and then windows like the E window. Corbel-frieze also as on the E
wall. The capitals are mostly of two scallops, but also of primitive
leaves. The clerestory is arranged in threes, two blanks and one window.
Only the window is shafted. All this is the same on the N side, except
that the W aisle windows have finer arch mouldings. |
transepts have an E chapel each which curves out apsidally, but instead of
curving in again runs lamely against the chancel aisle. (South
top row, north bottom row). The chapels have a blank twin in the
middle and one window l., and one r. Billet hood-moulds.
Clerestory as before. ...
The crossing tower is very uneloquent. Just small windows ... |
South transept above, north
transept below, with close-ups of window stages in ascending order. The
end walls of the transept are very perfect. Two widely spaced windows in
three storeys, with a middle buttress. The only difference is that the N
transept has in the gable a window with blank twin arches l. and r. Also
on the ground stage a Perp window (15th century)
was set in and a small Perp doorway with decorated spandrels. This is
connected with the fact that the parishioners, who until then had been
confined to the N aisle, were about 1403 granted the use of the N
transept. Which of the two transepts
was built first, it is difficult to say. But as the S transept has big
zigzag for the window arches on the first and second upper stages, and the
N transept has not, one can deduce priority for the N transept. One very
strange thing about the S side of the S transept is that no signs of the E
range of the cloister buildings abutting on it exist at all. Can the slype
have been so low and small and the dormitory have started only at the S of
it? It is true that a small roof is outlined (upper
row, last picture), but that is not enough for a normal cloister
range. |
The W sides of the transepts
differ more. They have a large tripartite composition on the ground stage,
But on the S side, because of the cloister, it starts higher up (first
two pictures). On the N side it is all altered Perp (third
picture), though signs of the Norman work remain. The upper
stages also differ, but not significantly. The first floor on the N side
now has big zigzag too. |
The famous Romsey Rood is
outside the W wall of the S transept. The figure is about 6 ft 9 in. high,
and the soft, a little undecided modelling is typically pre-Romanesque,
or, in Continental terms, Ottonian. So the most likely date is the first
half of the C11. Above Christ's head the hand of God shooting out of a
cloud. Is this part somewhat re-cut? |
Now the nave. On the S side
the aisle windows again have to take the cloister into consideration. The
usual doorway in the E bay is much richer than anything so far. Two orders
of shafts, capitals with trails, arch with zigzag, rope, a kind of
raspberries, a paterae between arch and hood-mould. Small upper window.
The following aisle windows are of the earliest type again, with roll
mouldings. It was not unusual to build the choir parts and the S aisle
wall at once, because of the cloister and the necessity of quickly
providing some domestic accommodation. |
On the N side even bays one
and two have zigzag at r. angles to the wall, i.e. a Late Norman motif. (Not
quite true - bay one does not have the zigzag). After that the
windows are Perp, again no doubt in connexion with the parochial purpose
of the nave. The N porch dates from 1908 and is by W.D. Caröe.
Further information kindly provided 2005 by Mr Stephen Stokes, Verger at
Romsey Abbey: The first two bays from the N transept may look Norman but
are in fact Victorian and were put in by the late
Revd Edward Lyon Berthon in the latter part of the 19th Century. |
was also responsible for the beautifully simple three-lancet composition
of the W wall.*
* Mr. Hubbuck doubts this. He suggests that the W window might be genuine
and the rest by Ferrey. |
nave clerestory deserves special attention. It is no longer Norman from
the very beginning (not quite - see inside). On the S side it has one
shafted lancet per bay. The capitals in the E bays however are still of
Norman types, and only in the W bays stiff-leaf comes in. There are also
different string courses. |
On the N side work obviously
started later (see the observation on the aisle windows). Here the whole
clerestory has shafted tripartite arcading,
with double shafts flanking the actual window. However, for whatever
reason, the corbel frieze remains Norman in type. |
In the W bays, to return to
them, even the aisle windows are now pointed and have stiff-leaf shafts.
The corbel-table above them here changes to a pointed-trefoiled shape.
Finally the doorway from the W bay into the cloister. This again has
stiff-leaf capitals, and an arch of many mouldings including a keeled roll
and a roll with a fillet. Hood-mould with dogtooth.
So one can see that the S
aisle was proceeded with first and that the clerestory also was reached
earlier on the S than the N side. One can also see that the W bays are the
result not of evolution but of a total change of style. The interior will
show all this more fully.
Interior |
Abbey website
Town Buildings |