
Compton Beauchamp,  Oxfordshire  -  St Swithin

A delightful small, white church in an idyllic woody, hilly setting on a beautiful day.

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Notes in italics from Oxfordshire by Jennifer Sherwood and Nikolaus Pevsner (1974) Yale University Press, New Haven and London.

Built of chalk. Nave and chancel, transepts, and thin unbuttressed W tower with pyramid roof.

 The tower seems C13, see the low and narrow arch to the nave Dscn0646-crplev-u1-405.jpg (22395 bytes) C13 also the chancel, see the N lancet. Dscn0644-u540.jpg (50324 bytes) The E window is Dec with reticulated tracery Dscn0645-lev_u540.jpg (62787 bytes)

The gay chancel painting with vine trails and, in the window jambs, palm fronds is not rustic Regency, but by Lydia Lawrence, c.1900.


Compton House hard by the church. This face c.1710, the rest older. Dscn0633-crplevdrk-u1-h405.jpg (79409 bytes)


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